Pasta King

Supplying grab-&-go meals which provide quick, profitable solutions for caterers. The company`s concept which comes with `free on loan` flexible serving equipment and point of sale has proved a perfect queue-busting solution for caterers.

Our sauces have no artificial colourings or flavourings, contain no palm oil and are low in saturated fat and sugar with reduced salt and include vegan, vegetarian and Halal options. Our authentic recipes reflect the palates of today`s consumers with many `world` flavours including our Curry and Mexican ranges.

With our heritage in the Education sector, we also supply a wide variety of non-Education sites including many leisure sites such as West Midlands Safari Park, Paignton Zoo, Monkey World and Camel Creek Leisure Park.

The company has the Food for Life Catering Mark

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0800 458 7898

Stand Number: FB2110