Ben Powers: Speaking at Leisure and Hospitality World

Ben Powers

Grip Potential Ltd

Stopping Slips in the Hospitality Industry

About Ben Powers

Ben has spent his career conducting slip risk assessments to the HSE’s preferred method in a wide range of environments. As an independent consultant not selling or profiting from any anti-slip products, his focus is on using his extensive experience to provide impartial advice on the best way to reduce slip risk. He is an active member of the UK Slip Resistance Group, who are the UK’s leading authority on slip resistance and responsible for producing the guidance on best practice slip risk assessment. Ben regularly provides expert evidence for slip and fall personal injury cases and has given evidence in the High Court. Ben is passionate about reducing both slip injuries and the exposure of his clients to slip injury claims.

Delegates will benefit from a basic overview of the common causes of slips, and discussion of high risk scenarios common in the hospitality industry. Expert impartial advice will be provided to allow those attending to confidently reduce slip risk to a practical minimum in their businesses. There will be a Q&A session where delegates will have the opportunity to discuss specific concerns or areas of interest.

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