Rachel Trend: Speaking at Leisure and Hospitality World

Rachel Trend

Native Chartered Architects Ltd

Natural Materials: the Future of Sustainable Building

About Rachel Trend

Rachel is an RIBA Chartered Architect working for Native Architects in York, a practice that specialises in sustainable rural projects. She is passionate about the social role of architecture, particularly in mitigating and adapting to climate change, and has a strong background in sustainable design, with extensive experience of using and specifying bio-based materials in construction.
Prior to working at Native, Rachel was based at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales where she was heavily involved in research into the use of natural materials in construction, with a particular focus on “hempcrete”. She completed the postgraduate degree at CAT in Architecture with Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies, which has informed her ongoing work in the field of sustainable architecture.

Increasing attention is being given to the impact of construction on the natural environment, and the need to respond to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss - how can we take this into account when considering a new building project?
Naturally grown materials such as hemp and straw could be the key to truly sustainable and beautiful new buildings, improving the health of both the occupants and the planet.

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